In the beginning, the landscape was very unoptimized, it was not uncommon for small block worlds such as this to run at less than 10FPS:
And although it was fun that I managed to create procedural terrain in only a few hours of study, it took me another week before that terrain was able to run at a full 60fps:
However, this terrain required massive amounts of RAM in order to run. This small underwater world (screenshot above) required around 8GB of RAM in order to run. During this time I also began work on a structure editor that could be used to make models for the game:
It was another week and a half before I was able to optimize the engine's graphic & RAM performance. After which I spent a half week fixing many of the shading problems that my old system had:
Every time I implemented a new feature I would better figure out how to optimize the code and would end up rewriting large portions of the code. In the screenshot above and better illustrated in the one below, I began work on block cloud & sun shading. This what my first step into making the terrain look visually pleasing:
After which I tried my hand at implementing cliffs like the ones in Cube World:
But this wasn't working the way I wanted, and again I tore down and rewrote the engine. And here we are! The engine up to this point has had 8 complete rewrites, lots of feature changes and rendering techniques but it's ready to begin work on the actual game:
Part of these new engine features was supporting new types of math that allowed for generating much more interesting landscape:
And so here I am, I expect that the next updates will still be about landscape generating but that I will be able to move to gameplay soon. As it currently stands large worlds can be created & retained by the computer with relatively low graphics & RAM usage however they are still slow to make and cause screen freezes when generating collisions for new chunks.
Inspirations come from:
Cube World
Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 15
Pixel Piracy
The game will take place in a futuristic setting, and I don't plan on taking too long to make it!
Blake Gillman
This is pretty neato look forward to it!